GAS Vent
In Order to achieve its maximum molding productivities, simply using its ultra micro breathing cell to exhale gas and air from molds.
Common questions:
1. burnt:
When aberration and burnt issues occurred, it is because resin is filling faster than air exhaling which will result gasven to overheat.
There are 2 possible conditions:
ㆍ When temperature of resin gets higher at the tip of seaming, it weakens its bonding strength.
ㆍ Air can filled up the path and blocks resin to flow functionallu which will cause ejection pressure to rise and materials to overflow.
3.Not enough fillings:
Due to air pressure, it reduces the ratio of the filling speed. even there is no any sign of burnt or overflow.
4.Cell streak:
If there are some cells, streaks and mottles occurred, it is because the cells have not been vaporized completely between air and resin.
5.Extensive Cycling Time:
The higher temperature of resin, molds and slower speed of injection cause extensive cycling time, however, it will not affect the quality of final products.
Enerty, time and cost savar:
1.It will reduce the trial die, time and materials if users consider to use TX gasvent the beginning of the design.
2.It will save up to 1/3 to 1/10 of the total cost and time if installing gasvent
1.Do not touch the surface when gasvent is in use.
2.Use H7/s6 from JIS reference chart.