Heat Sink
Heat Sink
  • Heat Sink

Heat Sink

1. Can save at least 30% of molding cycle. (super absorbency and cool down time)
2. Less cull in molding products. (can prevent the final products from shrinkage and deformation.)
3. Produce highly accurate final molding products. (Preventing water from boiling)
4. Outstanding surface on the final products. (avoid any water waste)
5. Can prevent color from inconsistency. (endure long-hour operating time)
6. Helps maintaining molds and reducing labor cost.
7. Simply add heat sink to improve molds function.

1. When installing into molds, please make sure the space is at least O.1mm to 0.2mm wider than heat sink.
2. After installing, please use fitters to fill the gap.
3. Leave at least twice of the hole space for water cooling path
4. For safety, please insert at least 1/3 of heat sink into molds.


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